
As I sit here on this quiet Sunday morning, looking at the grey clouded skies as they are trying to decide whether or not to bring us some white fluffy visitors that will adorn our yards and roof tops bringing us into the holidays which are fast approaching, I feel so grateful.

I was given, no not given, chosen to do something very special in my community where I live. Every day I strive to make a difference and touch at least one person’s life. That is what I do, that is who I am. Being a Success Coach, helping women heal from unhealthy patterns in themselves and in their relationships, has filled my heart and soul in ways I could never had imagined, but TODAY, my cup is running over.

The very important gift I was chosen for is to bring a non-profit charitable organization to Salt Lake City for the first time that transforms 100’s of women’s lives, by allowing them to look and feel worthy, capable and enough. This transformation takes women who have been broken, abused and forgotten giving them a path (or in our case a red carpet) to journey down into a new beginning.

These women are making the changes, healing, moving forward in their lives to leave the past there, in the past. My friend Kevin Hall, Author of Aspire, Discovering Your Purpose Through the Power of Words, said, “You can use the past as a hitching post or a guide post toward a better future.”  These over 100 women are choosing to use it as a guidepost with our help. It will take over 300 volunteers, thousands of dollars in-kind donations, sponsors both individual and corporate, and time, lots and lots of generous time given to make this happen next year. So, as I sit here abundantly grateful; grateful for all the volunteers that so selflessly are giving of themselves to help bring this to fruition , daily saying prayers that we will receive all necessary donations and fundraise the money needed to change these women’s lives next year when the event happens; My cup is overflowing; knowing the difference we will make annually with this event, and that I was the one chosen to start it, but could not make this happen without the help of all those around me.

May your holidays be warm, filled with love and may you be surrounded by those who mean the most to you.
Happy Holiday’s  & Blessings To All!




If you would like to donate, be a sponsor please visit the website  Please note it is for SLC, Utah. Thank-you~

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