Growth vs Change

You attract what you ask for in life.  Is how you perceive your life and the things that manifest in your life under your control or do you relinquish this power to chance or others?  You will perform according to your confidence and habits.  Your results are in your habit, and your habit is in your results. If energy and effort equals success, then what steps are you taking to move forward toward your success?  Does venturing outside that comfort zone to get the things you truly want in life cause you to retreat into your safe haven, never taking that chance to attain those goals or find your gifts and purpose?  Walls can keep danger out, but it also keeps your potential inside. Maybe if you look at that “uncomfortable place” you need to go, as a way to grow instead of change, do you think that might allow you to venture out of your comfort zone, even if it is just putting your toes in to test the water?  Growth is comfortable, growth is positive. We all grow from the time we are babies till adulthood.  It is a natural change that occurs, thus maybe looking at the space you need to leave as “growing” instead of “changing”, is a way to move you toward attaining this. Would this idea of growth be a less scary way in taking the steps you need to take, in order to get what it is that is holding you back from succeeding?
Grow, and as you grow you will bloom toward your goals, gifts and purpose.

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