Affirmations vs LifeVision

In my business as a LifeVision expert and coach I’m often asked the difference between Ideal LifeVision and affirmations. So I thought in this post I’d do a little comparison. Let’s start with the characteristics of Affirmations:

Affirmations are general and typically quite nebulous. Most often they are single statements like the following:

  • I am at peace with the Universe
  • I consciously bring money into my life
  • I am worthy of love and fulfilling relationships

The typical implementation for affirmations is that they are written on cards or post-it notes and then scattered through out the house on mirrors, dashboards, refrigerators etc. The idea is that you read them (aloud) every time you see them.

One of the biggest draw backs of affirmations is that they aren’t specific enough to create a powerful vision that will compel you to action. With single sentence affirmations, your mind (or imagination) isn’t given enough information to create an inner picture that conjures up the important aspects of goal accomplishment: emotion, motivation, visualization, & action plan.

If you’ve read the book, Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz, then you’ve learned that our minds are goal-seeking mechanisms. Just like an animal, we also have instincts…..but they are instincts for success. Simply put, if we accurately create a strong enough visualization in our brain, we can’t help but accomplish it as our subconscious does all in it’s power to achieve the image/visualization it was given. (I typically don’t reduce a landmark book like that to a single sentence, so forgive me and I will write an entire blog post about his amazing work) And that’s exactly why LifeVision is so much more powerful than simple affirmations. Ideal LifeVision isn’t a one-size fits all but is as unique as you are. By creating an Ideal LifeVision, you will create your own custom “Ideal You” designed to take full advantage of your

unique gifts, talents and personality. Not only that, but each vision statement will also includes the How, Why, and By When (the action plan). It is concrete enough that you can visualize it in detail.

And if that isn’t compelling enough, don’t forget that the Ideal LIfeVision is then recorded and listened to daily as an additional method of imprinting it upon your subconscious.

Let’s take this one step further with an example:

I am a conscious creator and giver.

Ideal LifeVision:
As a conscious creator and giver, I find joy in serving others. Daily, I share something of myself. I find little things I can do to lighten others burdens. I find ways to be in spirit. Once a week on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 am, I spend 2 hours rendering service. I have 2 refugee women that I work with. I spend time with these women. I mentor them and offer practical service to assist them in integrating into this country. I have a special financial account designated for blessing the lives of others. I deposit $250 into it each month. I use this money wisely for those less fortunate than myself. It feels incredible giving back as it not only enlarges my soul but creates value for others.

As you can see, the affirmation is a clever and beautiful statement and yet it doesn’t give my brain the specifics it needs to actually do something to become the person I want to be. The LifeVision statement on the other hand gives my brain something to go after. As I feed that visualization into my mind daily, it can’t necessarily distinguish between what’s reality and what isn’t, but regardless it’s goal seeking mechanism pursues the path for accomplishment. My mind actually has something concrete to “land on” now and will find a means and method for accomplishing it.

What current method are you using? Share with us your own insights on affirmations vs LifeVision.

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