Change Your Words and You Will Change the Outcome

Today’s Blog is by my friend Ty Bennett. Ty is always inspirational, informative and authentic with his stories. In my past blogs, have talked about how our chatter in our minds is always in our own voice. It is our own voice that tells us we aren’t worthy, capable or enough to do something. But it seems to me, that it all starts at such an early age, when we are impressionable. We tell ourselves at that early impressionable age, “I can’t” …so we don’t.

 This a story of how Ty is changing that belief starting with his own children and how that positiveness affected his little boy Tanner in doing something he believed he could not.

If you have read any of my earlier posts you have probably heard me talk about the power of our self-talk. I think all too often we sabotage ourselves and destroy our self-esteem with “I can’t”, “I’m horrible”, “I always screw up.” etc… With my kids, I have outlawed the word “Can’t” in our house with the idea of teaching this lesson.

Last week I took my two year old Tanner to swim lessons. About half way through the class the teacher told us to put the kids on the side of the wall and have them climb along the side by holding onto the edge. Tanner automatically started freaking out and yelling “I Can’t!”!   I stopped him and said, “Tanner, say I can do it!”

He got a big smile on his face, his whole posture changed and he yelled “I can do it” as he climbed along the side of the wall all the way to the end! I was amazed at how visual a change I could see as he changed his negative self talk to empowering self talk. A great lesson for all of us.


About Ty:

Ty Bennett is the founder of Leadership Inc, a speaking and training company dedicated to empowering individuals and organizations. He is a gifted communicator who has a unique ability to make the complex simple and to teach and inspire.

When Ty was 21 years old he started a business with his brother Scott, which they built to over $20 million in revenue while still in their twenties. Because of this experience and success Ty has been able to speak to more than 100,000 people in 7 countries.

Ty’s early entrepreneurial success led New York Times Bestselling Author Bob Burg to say, “I wish I could get back to Tys age and know what Ty knows. He will amaze you!”

As a speaker Ty is a young, fresh voice with a fun, engaging style. He speaks on Influence and Communication as well as Leadership, Peak Performance and Motivation.

Ty’s two most popular keynotes are The Power of Influence and The Power of Commitment.

Ty is the author of The Power of Influence as well as the audio programs, The Power of Belief and Business is About Relaitonships. His message is changing lives and reaching people around the world.

Ty lives in Utah with his wife Sarah, daughter Andie, and sons Tanner and Drew

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