What Will Your Dash Be?

If you could have it all what would that look like? What would your life look like if you could create the life you most want? Can you visualize it?

I just finished an amazing two and a half days at “Ignite Your Spark” here in Salt Lake City. This is my second year of attending this inspiring event.  Last year I was an attendee and this year I was honored when Angela Johnson asked me to staff the event! Imagine, ME, supporting 250 women at this empowering women’s and teen leadership conference! I loved every minute.

At the event, there women from every walk of life and every creed and color. Each walked away with some kind of “ah-hah” or pearl of wisdom. They were able to allow themselves to see their future, their greatness, and their ability to change not only themselves and the world around them. 

Our keynote speaker was the moving and inspirational, Chad Hymas, who just finished his first book “Doing what must be Done”. Chad’s story is one that is powerful, inspirational and touching. It is a story that even with extreme adversity; nothing is too extreme for the human mind, body and spirit to overcome. Chad touched each and every person in that room. he reminds the audience that it isn’t about us; it is about what we are leaving as our legacy, and how we make a difference in those that we meet. This went perfect with Ignite this year, as the theme was “Live Your Legacy.”

We are born and we die, but it is that “dash” that is between the two numbers that defines our life, our legacy and what we have accomplished and who we have touched along the journey , that in some way to made the difference in others.

We all have the ability to reach out and touch others, and make that difference. This came come in the form of a kind word,a smile, or just a touch to let them know we care. Another friend of mine, Kevin Hall, author of the book “Aspire- Discovering Your Purpose Through The Power Of Words” always says, “Leave others better for having just met you”.

What can you do each day to leave someone better for having just met you?
How different life would be if each of us leaves the other person better for having met us? 

Here are 5 ways that each of us could do to “Live Your Legacy.”

1. Smile - Letting someone know you acknowledge them and SEE them is a great gift.

2. Send a note- Send a note, a letter or even a text. Let someone know that you are thinking about
them and they are WORTH that moment that you are taking out of your day.

3. Call them- Let them HEAR what they mean to you, just to say hello and that they were on your mind.

4. Give back to someone you do not know- buy a cup of coffee/tea /soda for the car behind you, pay for lunch for someone behind you in a fast food line, pay for a layaway at a store that has been left with clothes and necessities where the person who put it on layaway cannot afford to continue to pay on, hold a door for a stranger, help someone that cannot reach something in a grocery store, feed the hungry, clothe the needy, donate your time to a charity or organization, go to a library and read for children, be a mentor to a child or a teen.

There are so many ways to give back; TIME is one of the greatest gifts because that spells LOVE.

5. Be kind- Kindness is free, and it has a snowball effect. Once received it is easily passed on to someone else, and then someone after that. It is a warm feeling that opens the heart easily and quickly with out any strings attached.

Every person is an unrepeatable miracle. We all have our gifts and abilities to be the greatest we can be,
to make a difference in others, our community and our world.

So I ask you again:
If you could create your greatest life what would it look like?
What would that dash between your birth and death signify?

It’s never too late to start.
Today looks like it is a perfect day to begin.
Don’t you agree?
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