Near & Dear To My Heart

It has been a whirlwind month filled with all kinds of new experiences..

First, the Genshai Mastery Retreat on Coronado Island, CA. Then back home to prepare for  TEDx.  TEDx is a program is designed to give communities, organizations and individuals the opportunity to stimulate dialogue through short speeches.  TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, and Design. Since then, its scope has become ever broader.

At TEDx events, a screening of TEDTalks videos — or a combination of live presenters and TEDTalks videos — sparks deep conversation and connections. TEDx events are fully planned and coordinated independently, on a community-by-community basis.

I was very humbled and proud to be a part of this amazing experience. I spoke with many incredible & inspirational speakers, each with a message of how to make the world better for each and every one of us. We each were sharing our purpose and passions. I took the stage to share my own story of transformation. I was someone who was over 100+ pounds overweight, had 3 auto-immune diseases, crawling up the stairs on my hands and knees, on 17 medications a day, no cognitive memory to carry on a intelligible conversation, and I was in a 20+ year bad first marriage. The marriage was filled with emotional, mental and verbal abuse. I transformed this to my current life. I have lost over 100 pounds, I am completely healthy, and even more blessed to be happily married to my best friend. I now have a loving & respectful marriage and life.

Also in my presentation, I spoke of my passion Queen Its A New Day including my passion surrounding this nonprofit charity that serves women who are broken, forgotten, & abused. I decided to take part in bringing this event from Seattle, Washington to Salt Lake City, Utah because of the journey I have taken in my lifetime, and what that transformation means to me.

What I have realized is we all have something that is near and dear to our heart.  We each have a message, each and every one of us. We each have something that can change our immediate situation and on a bigger scale, the world. We just have to seize the moment, be brave to share our ideas, not to be afraid to step forward to make the difference..  We each have amazing gifts and a purpose. When you find your voice, your purpose, & your passion; and you share it with the world… we all benefit. It is paying it forward.

We can use our past as a hitching post or a guidepost. If we choose to use it as a guidepost, it will help others that cross our path find their direction in life as well.

We need to be brave enough to share our message and passion in order to create that beautiful world!

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