Life is always changing

Have you noticed that just as you THINK you have CONTROL of your life, getting the things done that have been on that “to do” list, then something or someone throws that curve ball and changes everything? Life isn’t always as we plan, but that is why it is called LIFE. Learning In Forward Evolution

There is no dress rehearsal, it acts out scene by scene without a script, a play by play or rule book. Life takes on the scenario of a roller coaster. It has it up’s and down’s and then it levels out just long enough for another dip and then the long trip up and OVER that hill, only to drop you down again before you level out and breathe a sigh of relief.

Yet, if we look at each challenge, each accomplishment, each failure as a learning experience. looking at it as something that moves us forward, whether it is good or bad, realizing that even though we cannot see the entire reason the process is taking place, it IS taking place for a PURPOSE.

How we handle that challenge, failure or accomplishment is up to each one of us. The attitude we choose, the ability to learn from it and then APPLY it to future experiences, so the outcome is a much more enjoyable or positive one,  is totally 100% on how we perceive to handle it, OUR ATTITUDE.

Yes, life isn’t a dress rehearsal, they are no do over’s. It is a work in progress, a minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, year by year progress. The thing that we forget when LIFE takes that ride on that roller coaster with it’s up’s and down’s, is that we each have an incredible, powerful ablity to CHOOSE how we handle it. Only then the ride is fun and exciting!

If we choose to have a positive attitude then with each twist and turn and dip, LIFE no matter how bad it looks at that moment in time, holds an amazing new horizon to conquer, fail forward in and smile through!

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