How Comfortable Are You?

Your belief in your own skills and abilities is paramount in the success of everything you do. You already know that being more confident can help you make the decisions you need to make, giving you the ability to trust yourself and then bring it all to fruition.

We usually think confidence is one of those things we either have or don’t have. But, you may have more control over your confidence than you would initially think, and you can use three key components of to do a check on your confidence:

Comfort- Everything we want is just outside our comfort zone. Believing in ourselves, our gifts and our capabilities, we can move and stretch that comfort zone a little bit each day. Once it is stretched, stretch a little more, and with each time we do that, not only will our world expand but so will our comfort level. Just believe!

Capability- We have so many things that we are capable of. Sometimes we just choose FEAR –false evidence appearing real –as trying and failing is worse that never trying at all. Instead of seeing ourselves as a true essence of the gift we are and the gifts we have to share, we second guess ourselves. The great thing about being capable is that you don’t have to have all the answers, you just need to know the questions to ask yourself, so you can seek and find the answers to decipher if it is a good fit or not. If it is give you permission to do it, even if the outcome isn’t what you thought, you have learned new skills for the next time; if it doesn’t feel right then that is a component of confidence as well, being able to say NO!

Commitment - If you say you are going to do it, then do it. Show up, be fully engaged, give of yourself 100% and believe that you are meant to do exactly what you committed to do and know that your presence is making a difference in the outcome and possibly in others.

By believing in yourself, expanding your comfort zones daily and sharing the gifts that you have, your confidence level will soon be as comfortable as those cozy slippers you wear.

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