Near & Dear To My Heart

It has been a whirlwind month filled with all kinds of new experiences..

First, the Genshai Mastery Retreat on Coronado Island, CA. Then back home to prepare for  TEDx.  TEDx is a program is designed to give communities, organizations and individuals the opportunity to stimulate dialogue through short speeches.  TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, and Design. Since then, its scope has become ever broader.

At TEDx events, a screening of TEDTalks videos — or a combination of live presenters and TEDTalks videos — sparks deep conversation and connections. TEDx events are fully planned and coordinated independently, on a community-by-community basis.

I was very humbled and proud to be a part of this amazing experience. I spoke with many incredible & inspirational speakers, each with a message of how to make the world better for each and every one of us. We each were sharing our purpose and passions. I took the stage to share my own story of transformation. I was someone who was over 100+ pounds overweight, had 3 auto-immune diseases, crawling up the stairs on my hands and knees, on 17 medications a day, no cognitive memory to carry on a intelligible conversation, and I was in a 20+ year bad first marriage. The marriage was filled with emotional, mental and verbal abuse. I transformed this to my current life. I have lost over 100 pounds, I am completely healthy, and even more blessed to be happily married to my best friend. I now have a loving & respectful marriage and life.

Also in my presentation, I spoke of my passion Queen Its A New Day including my passion surrounding this nonprofit charity that serves women who are broken, forgotten, & abused. I decided to take part in bringing this event from Seattle, Washington to Salt Lake City, Utah because of the journey I have taken in my lifetime, and what that transformation means to me.

What I have realized is we all have something that is near and dear to our heart.  We each have a message, each and every one of us. We each have something that can change our immediate situation and on a bigger scale, the world. We just have to seize the moment, be brave to share our ideas, not to be afraid to step forward to make the difference..  We each have amazing gifts and a purpose. When you find your voice, your purpose, & your passion; and you share it with the world… we all benefit. It is paying it forward.

We can use our past as a hitching post or a guidepost. If we choose to use it as a guidepost, it will help others that cross our path find their direction in life as well.

We need to be brave enough to share our message and passion in order to create that beautiful world!

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I have just returned from the most incredible, inspirational and aspiring 3 day trip in Coronado, California.  I attended Kevin Hall’s “Discovering Your Purpose Through The Power Of Words, Genshai Life Mastery Retreat” as a part of his support team. Kevin, author of “Aspire” is a dear friend.  I have attended Kevin’s events many times, but this one was the greatest of all!

Genshai is a word Kevin has in his book; it is in the first chapter as the “Secret Word”.  Genshai, coming from an ancient Hindu word, means never treating someone in a manner that makes them feel small, including yourself.  That was a hard one for me to swallow not quite 2 years ago. It was always myself that I treated small, which in turn led me to treat others that way.  When I understood the word, it became MY word. Now I work very hard to practice Genshai daily, each day of my life.  I wear the word around my neck on a necklace I had made, and it is on my Utah license plate. (Pictured above)

At the Genshai Life Mastery, we had the greatest of the greats including:
Dave Winfield: Hall Of Fame baseball player.

Stedman Graham: Founder of the My Life Is About Foundation (yes,  Oprah’s main squeeze!)

Immacule’e Ilibagiza: Author of Left To Tell, Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust.  

Thurl Bailey: Charismatic announcer for the Utah Jazz basketball team, & former NBA player  with a voice of velvet.

Chad Hymas: An incredible man whose accident left him a paraplegic and now travels around the world to inspire others.

Lisa Nichols: Co-Author of The Secret

We also enjoyed very special surprise guest,  Pravin Cherkoori, who has the guest book of the book of greats, in his shop in Vienna.  Kevin entered this shop a few years ago and it changed the course of Kevin’s life. Pravin is in Aspire’s  first chapter. It was Pravin who would forever change Kevin and those who are put on Kevin’s path with the word GENSHAI.  Meeting Pravin  gave Kevin the first word for writing the first chapter in Aspire.   In that book of greats, the signature of Mother Teresa and Viktor Frankl exist, and now so does mine.  In true Genshai, Pravin gave each of us in attendance the honor to sign his book of greats!

Each and every guest brought with them the same underlying message to the many of us that attended. This  included about a dozen very special teens from Utah, as well as a school in San Diego.  That message was of four things: Hope, Faith, Perseverance and Forgiveness.   
When we walked away from the three days, my heart was full of joy, abundance and the knowledge that each one of us who attended had a much greater purpose than when we arrived.

What is that purpose? It is to be a world changer, to make a difference, and to love our brothers and sisters no matter what color their skin is, their beliefs, or their religion.  We are all children of God. We all have our silent battles, challenges and demons.  BUT we all can have HOPE, FAITH, PERSEVERANCE and eventually FORGIVENESS.  As Gandhi said, we can “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

I invite you to write the word Genshai on your mirror, on a piece of paper and hang it on your wall, put it in your wallet or handbag.  Remind yourself everyday that this word is going to change everything about you and those you meet.  When you treat yourself great, not only do others treat you the same, but you also treat others in the same manner.

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Happy Holidays!

I am sure like you with the Holidays fast approaching it has become a very busy month. It seems I hardly have time to catch my breath, before I have moved onto another project.  Yet even with all the hustle and bustle, this is my FAVORITE time of the year!! I absolutely love decorating the house, which only took me 3 days! I like to have every room decorated and since I have been collecting snowman, snowmen on ice skates and ice skates since my daughter was 7, (she is now 29) you can probably visualize the amount of “collectables” I have collected.

Since my daughter was a competitive figure skater for many years, I still have a love for anything to do with that sport, thus the ice skates, and snowmen just melt my heart. With the inside done I then have to make the outside just as pretty with the hand painted, and cut wooden yard signs I did years ago in snowmen, snowmen on skates, penguin on skates with a yarmulke (pronounced yäm-a-ka) on his head and little dreidels near his feet with a Menorah on the other side of him. All of that adorns our front yard being highlighted by the twisted red lighting on my banisters and white lights on the house. Along with the collection of snowmen and skates in the house. the front window shines brightly with a beautifully decorated Christmas tree with a Menorah in front of it, sitting on the window ledge. 

After the decorations were up and the house was very festive, I hosted a Secret Santa Party for my co-workers at a retail store that I work at a couple days a week. It was fun and enjoyable to spend time with those that you work with in a social environment, laughing, eating and enjoying each other’s company.

Each and every day I have been working on still getting the charity event that I am Co-Director for off the ground here in Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City is the first community in 11 years to bring Queen It’s a New Day outside of the Seattle area. The foundation is being laid for this amazing three day charity event. We transform hundreds of women’s lives in this three day annual charity event that will take place the beginning of December 2012. These women receive brand new work clothes, shoes, haircuts and styles, chair massages, manicures, pedicures, makeup application, professional photo shots of themselves, a three course professionally catered dinner with key note speakers and professional entertainment at a Gala event attended by hundreds in the community, where they and the attendees are dressed in formal attire. The Queens stay overnight at a 4 star hotel, have breakfast and attend speaker workshops and life skills training classes throughout the second and third day of the event. The website is if you would like more information or would like to become involved.

So, that brings me to this moment. and I would just like to say,  I am so grateful for all of you!

I still have a few more things on my “too do list” before the holidays are upon us but I am grateful that much of it is serving others in some way.

My wish for you all is that in celebration of whatever your holiday is, you and your family are blessed with laughter, love and health. That everyone has a moment to reflect on the differences that they make in this world simply by being yourself and sharing your gifts with others. That you live your life with abundance in knowing each of you are worthy, capable and enough, so you may reach out to those that struggle with that concept, embracing them to understand that they too are deserving of feeling that way. But especially, that we all practice GENSHAI- never treating someone in a manner that is small or demeaning, including ourselves. That principal alone will change the world as we know it, making it a kinder and gentler place for all to live.

May you all have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Eid al-Fitr, Yule, and Kwanzaa and a Wonderful and prosperous New Year in 2012!

Love and Light,


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As I sit here on this quiet Sunday morning, looking at the grey clouded skies as they are trying to decide whether or not to bring us some white fluffy visitors that will adorn our yards and roof tops bringing us into the holidays which are fast approaching, I feel so grateful.

I was given, no not given, chosen to do something very special in my community where I live. Every day I strive to make a difference and touch at least one person’s life. That is what I do, that is who I am. Being a Success Coach, helping women heal from unhealthy patterns in themselves and in their relationships, has filled my heart and soul in ways I could never had imagined, but TODAY, my cup is running over.

The very important gift I was chosen for is to bring a non-profit charitable organization to Salt Lake City for the first time that transforms 100’s of women’s lives, by allowing them to look and feel worthy, capable and enough. This transformation takes women who have been broken, abused and forgotten giving them a path (or in our case a red carpet) to journey down into a new beginning.

These women are making the changes, healing, moving forward in their lives to leave the past there, in the past. My friend Kevin Hall, Author of Aspire, Discovering Your Purpose Through the Power of Words, said, “You can use the past as a hitching post or a guide post toward a better future.”  These over 100 women are choosing to use it as a guidepost with our help. It will take over 300 volunteers, thousands of dollars in-kind donations, sponsors both individual and corporate, and time, lots and lots of generous time given to make this happen next year. So, as I sit here abundantly grateful; grateful for all the volunteers that so selflessly are giving of themselves to help bring this to fruition , daily saying prayers that we will receive all necessary donations and fundraise the money needed to change these women’s lives next year when the event happens; My cup is overflowing; knowing the difference we will make annually with this event, and that I was the one chosen to start it, but could not make this happen without the help of all those around me.

May your holidays be warm, filled with love and may you be surrounded by those who mean the most to you.
Happy Holiday’s  & Blessings To All!




If you would like to donate, be a sponsor please visit the website  Please note it is for SLC, Utah. Thank-you~

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Life is always changing

Have you noticed that just as you THINK you have CONTROL of your life, getting the things done that have been on that “to do” list, then something or someone throws that curve ball and changes everything? Life isn’t always as we plan, but that is why it is called LIFE. Learning In Forward Evolution

There is no dress rehearsal, it acts out scene by scene without a script, a play by play or rule book. Life takes on the scenario of a roller coaster. It has it up’s and down’s and then it levels out just long enough for another dip and then the long trip up and OVER that hill, only to drop you down again before you level out and breathe a sigh of relief.

Yet, if we look at each challenge, each accomplishment, each failure as a learning experience. looking at it as something that moves us forward, whether it is good or bad, realizing that even though we cannot see the entire reason the process is taking place, it IS taking place for a PURPOSE.

How we handle that challenge, failure or accomplishment is up to each one of us. The attitude we choose, the ability to learn from it and then APPLY it to future experiences, so the outcome is a much more enjoyable or positive one,  is totally 100% on how we perceive to handle it, OUR ATTITUDE.

Yes, life isn’t a dress rehearsal, they are no do over’s. It is a work in progress, a minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, year by year progress. The thing that we forget when LIFE takes that ride on that roller coaster with it’s up’s and down’s, is that we each have an incredible, powerful ablity to CHOOSE how we handle it. Only then the ride is fun and exciting!

If we choose to have a positive attitude then with each twist and turn and dip, LIFE no matter how bad it looks at that moment in time, holds an amazing new horizon to conquer, fail forward in and smile through!

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Kindness Is Not Measured By Size

Kindness Is Not Measured By Size by Judee Udkoff Guay -

Reposted from Orignal Blog on May 28, 2011

With the tragedy that has struck the victims in Joplin, Missouri due to the horrific tornados they recently endured many of us have wanted to do something to help them. We talk about it with our co-workers, friends, family and neighbors. We watch the devastation on the news, hear about it on the radio and see it in the newspapers. Again, we TALK about doing something but, how many of us or someone that you know have actually stepped forward and took action and how much of a sacrifice or cost to our own self this was done? I recently read a post on Facebook from friend who was asking for donations to send to those that lost everything in Joplin, asking for shovels, gloves, tools, camping equipment, clothes, shoes, diapers, sundries anything and everything that fell under the category of “gently used”. Semi- trucks were going to be filled to the brim with these donations and then make their way from Utah to Missouri. As I watched the posts show up over and over again on facebook, many people who read the post “clicked like”, but didn’t seem to do much else to really help. Hearing more and more about the loss of lives, devastation and lack of supplies, I decided that I needed to do something myself. I called my friend who had made the post on facebook, letting him know I will have donations for him. Gathering things which consisted of clothes, shoes, sundries and other garments that I either was going to give away to a charity or that has just been passed over time and time again in our closet’s for one reason or another, I filled up 2 huge garbage bags full of items.

 I then began to realize that if it was this easy for me to gather up donations of items that were not being worn or used then why my entire neighborhood couldn’t do the same thing!Making a call to my neighbor to see if I could get some help getting the word out I pitched my idea to her, Suzie is the one with all the “pull and connections in the neighborhood” the person who is always willing to help out others. I pitched my idea to her, explaining about the donations, what is needed, and the drop off location for them. I waited eagerly to hear her answer. She replied in an ecstatic “What a great idea” Absolutely!! Let’s make this happen!! She went on and read my mind saying “ Just imagine if everyone would go through their things, donating what they didn’t need or use any longer …think of the amount of things we could collect and the difference it would make to those that needed the help most! She agreed to send out the email blast to everyone! A neighborhood donation for Joplin was in motion… I was on a mission! Suzie also said she would have a friend of hers make a flyer as well as have it announced at church on Sunday. Things were starting to come together and the word started spreading like wildfire!

Friday afternoon one of the neighbors a few doors down came over to my house. He explained his family which included his grown daughter, son-in law and grandchildren had “gathered together many things to donate and if they could bring them on over?”. As they started bringing bags of clothes, sundries, and other miscellaneous things in brown packing boxes and large garbage bags. Jet was the youngest grandson. When Jet walked up he had a turquoise gift box in his hands. The box which had a baggie taped to the top was filled with a few different items and sealed shut with wide cellophane packing tape. Inside the baggie contained a picture of Jet with a HUGE smile on his face, in which he was holding a giraffe stuffed animal in his little hands. Also in the baggie was a piece of paper, a notepad of paper, a pen and several self-addressed stamped envelopes. The box was taped shut on all 4 sides. Seeing that picture of Jet , face up in the baggie with his grin from ear to ear holding onto this little giraffe, told the story of just how much that little stuffed animal he was holding meant to him. If a picture is worth a 1000 words, then this one took the prize! The picture showed that that stuffed giraffe was his best friend, his protector; it was EVERYTHING to Jet, his world revolved around this stuffed giraffe.

 Jet looked at me, pointing to the picture in the baggie and said his name is “Stewart”. Jet said “Stewart” was his best friend and that he couldn’t go to sleep without him at night. He LOVED him so much! But now he is in the turquoise box, and Mom wrapped him in bubble wrap “so he can breathe “. I am gonna send Stewart far away to another little boy or girl, so they can love him, and Stewart will protect them from scary things too”. When I asked Jet why he wanted to give up Stewart, he replied “they lost their best friend, but I didn’t.  So I want to give him up! That’s it!” Jet then asked me “Do you know what is in the baggie and how come I have a baggie on the box?”  He said, “my Mom put a letter to Stewart’s new family, and she put in a the pad of paper, a pen and envelopes with my address on it, and then she put it all inside the baggie along with my picture with Stewart, so that the little boy or girl who gets Stewart can write me back” . His Mom went on to explain, that “Jet wanted to know that Stewart made it safe and was doing okay, so that is why I  put in the notepad, pen and self addressed envelopes. This way she said “They will have everything they need to write Jet back”. Jet then said  “I want them to write me a lot, cause I’m gonna miss Stewart, so I know he is Ok if they write me.”

 My heart sank as Jet’s little voice was shaking, telling me how much he loved his little stuffed giraffe and how much he was sacrificing giving him up. As he walked away with his family, each one had tears in their eyes, knowing that they would never see Stewart again. Stewart was as much a part of the family as he was Jet’s. Jet’s grandma told me that “the family would spend endless hours finding Stewart before Jet would even go to sleep, if there was a mess or something happened that shouldn’t have, it was always Stewart who caused the problem or situation, never Jet.”  She went on to explain, “that they never thought they Jet would give up Stewart, in fact when he walked into the living room with him, they all wanted to scream “NO!!!!!” , but, she explained to me, “what kind of example would that be setting for Jet if we didn’t let him do what he wanted to do?”

 My heart felt so many different emotions that this sweet little six year old had set off inside me. Happiness that another child would have something special to love and hold sadness to see the tears in the family’s eyes, and intense pride that this little guy was so selfless. I went back into my office to continue working trying to focus on other things; when about 20 minutes later I looked outside my window and saw Jet and his brother coming up the walkway. My mind started wondering…did he change his mind about giving away his best friend. Was it just too much for this little guy to do, knowing he would never see Stewart ever again? My husband went outside to meet him and after a brief chat he came back into the house, holding that turquoise box taped tightly closed with Jett’s most precious item inside of it. I heard Jet saying to my husband that he “was worried about Stewart being outside alone on the porch. “That it was too cold and he would be lonely out there without him and could we keep him inside the house until he went onto the truck to take him to his new family!”

For now, Stewart is comfy and cozy in his turquoise box, taped tightly closed, with the baggie on top of it, filled with the letter to his new family, a pad of notepaper; a pen and several self addressed stamped envelopes. All of which is now sitting on my desk, inside my home, where it is warm and safe until he is taken to his new destination in Joplin, MO and is given to a new little boy or girl. So my question is this. If each one of us gave daily to others something that we LOVE so much, CARE about so deeply, that makes us FEEL so safe and secure, just as Jet did at the tender age of six years old, could you imagine what an incredibly beautiful world we would live in? If each one of us gave up something that we had so selflessly to another who was more in need of it than us, what would our world look like to you?

What are you going to do at this moment… right now to make a difference in someone’s life…that really need help?

Can you be as selfless as a sweet little six year old named Jett?


Judee Guay Life Coach

LifeVision Expert and Speaker

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Change Your Words and You Will Change the Outcome

Today’s Blog is by my friend Ty Bennett. Ty is always inspirational, informative and authentic with his stories. In my past blogs, have talked about how our chatter in our minds is always in our own voice. It is our own voice that tells us we aren’t worthy, capable or enough to do something. But it seems to me, that it all starts at such an early age, when we are impressionable. We tell ourselves at that early impressionable age, “I can’t” …so we don’t.

 This a story of how Ty is changing that belief starting with his own children and how that positiveness affected his little boy Tanner in doing something he believed he could not.

If you have read any of my earlier posts you have probably heard me talk about the power of our self-talk. I think all too often we sabotage ourselves and destroy our self-esteem with “I can’t”, “I’m horrible”, “I always screw up.” etc… With my kids, I have outlawed the word “Can’t” in our house with the idea of teaching this lesson.

Last week I took my two year old Tanner to swim lessons. About half way through the class the teacher told us to put the kids on the side of the wall and have them climb along the side by holding onto the edge. Tanner automatically started freaking out and yelling “I Can’t!”!   I stopped him and said, “Tanner, say I can do it!”

He got a big smile on his face, his whole posture changed and he yelled “I can do it” as he climbed along the side of the wall all the way to the end! I was amazed at how visual a change I could see as he changed his negative self talk to empowering self talk. A great lesson for all of us.


About Ty:

Ty Bennett is the founder of Leadership Inc, a speaking and training company dedicated to empowering individuals and organizations. He is a gifted communicator who has a unique ability to make the complex simple and to teach and inspire.

When Ty was 21 years old he started a business with his brother Scott, which they built to over $20 million in revenue while still in their twenties. Because of this experience and success Ty has been able to speak to more than 100,000 people in 7 countries.

Ty’s early entrepreneurial success led New York Times Bestselling Author Bob Burg to say, “I wish I could get back to Tys age and know what Ty knows. He will amaze you!”

As a speaker Ty is a young, fresh voice with a fun, engaging style. He speaks on Influence and Communication as well as Leadership, Peak Performance and Motivation.

Ty’s two most popular keynotes are The Power of Influence and The Power of Commitment.

Ty is the author of The Power of Influence as well as the audio programs, The Power of Belief and Business is About Relaitonships. His message is changing lives and reaching people around the world.

Ty lives in Utah with his wife Sarah, daughter Andie, and sons Tanner and Drew

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Kindness Is Not Measured By Size

With the tragedy that has struck the victims in Joplin, Missouri due to the horrific tornados they endured recently, we each think about wanting to do something for them.  We talk about it with our co-workers, friends, family and neighbors. We watch the devastation on the news, hear about it on the radio and see it in the newspapers. Again, we TALK about doing something.  Many of us do step forward and take action, yet I wonder at how much of a sacrifice or cost to our own self do we do this?

I recently read a post on Facebook from friend who was asking for donations to send to those that have lost everything in Joplin.  Asking for shovels, gloves, tools, camping equipment. clothes, shoes, diapers, sundries anything and everything that fell under the category of “gently used”.  Semi- trucks were going to be filled to the brim with these donations and then make their way from Utah to Missouri. As I watched the posts over and over again, many “clicked like”, but didn’t seem to do much else to really help.  I decided that I needed to do something.   I called my friend after gathering clothes, shoes, sundries and other garments that I either was going to give away to a charity or just passed over time and time again in my closet for one reason or another. Feeling pretty good about gathering 2 huge garbage bags full of items, I came to the realization that if I could do this why couldn’t my neighborhood?

Making a few calls to another friend who has the “pull and connections” to everyone in our neighborhood, I pitched my idea. If everyone could go through their things and bring it to my porch as well as my friend’s…think of the amount of things we could collect! I was on a MISSION!

I sent an email explaining my idea, which in turn she would forward to the neighborhood. In the email it explained what we were looking for and where to drop the items. We were collecting these items from now through Monday morning,  giving us time in order for the message to be shared in a flyer as well as announced on Sunday at church.  Things were starting to come together and the plan was in motion!

This afternoon, one of the neighbors a few doors down came over and explained his family which included his grown daughter, son-in law and grandchildren had gathered together many things to donate and if they could bring them over.  As they started bringing bags of clothes, sundries, and other miscellaneous things in brown packing boxes and large garbage bags, Jett the youngest grandson, had a turquoise gift box in his hands. The box which had a baggie taped to the top was filled with items and sealed shut.  It contained a picture of  Jett with a HUGE smile on his face, in which he was holding a giraffe stuffed animal, a notepad of paper, a pen and addressed stamped envelopes. The box was taped shut on all 4 sides. That massive smile on his face in the picture told the story of just how much this little stuffed animal meant to him. It was his best friend and his protector, it was EVERYTHING to Jett

Jett explained that “Stuart” was his best friend and that he couldn’t go to sleep without him at night. He LOVED him so much, but he was now in the turquoise box, taped shut, with the baggie on top filled with the notepad, stamped envelopes and most importantly the picture of him holding his best friend Stuart. It was time to send Stuart on a journey to Joplin, Missouri so another little boy or girl could hold him and love him and he could protect them from all the bad things that go bump in the night. He put the notepad, the pen and the stamped envelopes inside the baggie along with that very special picture of his ENORMOUS smile with Stuart, so that the little boy or girl who would be so very lucky to receive Stuart, would have all the necessary things to write to Jett. He asked them to please let him know that Stuart arrived safely to his new home in Missouri AND to please write him often to let him know that Stuart was happy and doing okay.

My heart sank as Jett’s little voice was shaking, telling me how much he loved his little stuffed giraffe.  As he walked away with his family, my heart was feeling so many different emotions that this sweet little six year old had set off inside me.  As I went back into my office to continue working, I looked outside the window and saw Jett and his brother coming up the walkway. My mind started wondering…did he change his mind about giving away his best friend? Was it just too much for this little guy to do, knowing he would never see Stuart ever again?  My husband went out to meet him and after a brief chat he came back into the house, holding that turquoise box taped tightly closed with Jett’s most precious item inside of it.  My husband explained that Jett was worried about Stuart being outside alone on the porch and if we could keep him inside the house until he went onto the truck to take him to Missouri and to his new family

As I sit here typing this, Stuart is comfy in his turquoise box, taped tightly with the baggie of notepaper, pen and envelopes on my desk, inside my home, where it is warm and safe until he arrives at his new destination and is given to a new family.

So my question is this. If each one of us gave daily to others something that we LOVE so much, CARE about so deeply, that makes us FEEL so safe and secure, just as Jett did at the tender age of six years old, could you imagine what an incredibly beautiful world we would live in! What are you going to do at this moment… right now to make a difference in someones life…who really needs help?  Can you be as selfless as a sweet little six year old named Jett?


Judee Guay

Life Coach, LifeVision Expert and Speaker


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Loving Yourself First

Loving Yourself First

I wonder how many of us always put everyone and everything ahead of our own needs; our spouse/boyfriend/significant other, children, parents, friends, co-workers even sometimes strangers. When we do have the chance to give permission to do something wonderful for ourselves, do you find yourself feeling uncomfortable or even guilty?

We take on so many things in life making our plate so full that it even spills over the sides. Yet, even knowing that our “plate is so full”, we continue to take on more. Often I have found that this is a way we can hide what we are experiencing, not allow us to perceive how we truly feel about ourselves and the way we allow ourselves to not face the situations that we need to deal with, change with or grow from.

When we put everyone and everything ahead of ourselves, convincing our own mind that we are doing it out of love or kindness, who are we really doing the most harm to? If we are not in a good place, how do we believe that I am worthy and I am enough? If we don’t believe it within ourselves, how can we bring out the best in others? We allow us to be buried in “to do lists” using that as an excuse as why we are so miserable, or upset, when in of itself, we are just not in a place that we feel we deserve the love and respect of making us important, to either say no or delegate some of the responsibility.

We may be in a toxic relationship, where words or actions are abusive, undermining or demeaning. The power to love ourselves is taken away with each word that is thrown to us, making us feel small and unworthy. It becomes cyclic; we then do the same to those that we are surrounded by. It could be our family, children, friends or co-workers. It is our wall or shield of armor that we wear, hopefully blocking the transparency of how we really feel about ourselves. Thus, the busier we are, the more we undertake, and the less we have to deal with the REAL issues at hand.

Loving ourselves first, gives us the ability and empowerment to share that with others. Allowing those that are in our lives to be able to support us and edify us and the gifts we embody. Yet, when we are in that dark place, we just hide rather than run into the world and have to be our true selves. Just like the story of the donkey in the well. The old donkey fell into a well one day. His piteous cries were heard by the farmer, yet the farmer did not know how to help him. Knowing the donkey was old and the well needed to be covered, he invited his neighbors over to help cover the well with dirt, burying the donkey within it. One by one the farmers grabbed a shovel and started throwing dirt upon the donkey. The donkey realizing what was happening started crying piteous cries again. Suddenly the donkey became very quiet, when the farmer looked into the well; he saw the donkey shake each shovel of dirt off his back, step up on the dirt thus moving him closer to the opening of the well. The farmers kept shoveling the dirt, and with each one again the donkey shook it off its back and took a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and trotted off.

Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick is getting out of that well. We can use the dirt to bury ourselves in lots and lots of things, causing us not to have to face the real situation or problems at hand, or we can use it to take a step up and toward loving ourselves by feeling we are worthy of all the gifts we so freely give to others are indeed the gifts we deserve to give to ourselves first and foremost.

By allowing ourselves to walk not only out of the well but then into the world with our head held up high, all of our relationships become better, but the one within our self ultimately becomes the best!


Judee Guay

Certified Life Vision Expert, Life Coach and Speaker


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Growth vs Change

You attract what you ask for in life.  Is how you perceive your life and the things that manifest in your life under your control or do you relinquish this power to chance or others?  You will perform according to your confidence and habits.  Your results are in your habit, and your habit is in your results. If energy and effort equals success, then what steps are you taking to move forward toward your success?  Does venturing outside that comfort zone to get the things you truly want in life cause you to retreat into your safe haven, never taking that chance to attain those goals or find your gifts and purpose?  Walls can keep danger out, but it also keeps your potential inside. Maybe if you look at that “uncomfortable place” you need to go, as a way to grow instead of change, do you think that might allow you to venture out of your comfort zone, even if it is just putting your toes in to test the water?  Growth is comfortable, growth is positive. We all grow from the time we are babies till adulthood.  It is a natural change that occurs, thus maybe looking at the space you need to leave as “growing” instead of “changing”, is a way to move you toward attaining this. Would this idea of growth be a less scary way in taking the steps you need to take, in order to get what it is that is holding you back from succeeding?
Grow, and as you grow you will bloom toward your goals, gifts and purpose.

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